Mobility Exercises for Hips
Mull Stretch or 90/90 Hip Stretch
- Sit down on the floor/yoga mat and get into a 90/90 stretch facing the front of the mat by placing your right knee in front of your right hip and your left knee straight out from your left hip–both knees at 90 degrees.
- Gently press your left hip forward to try to square your hips to the front of the mat. Breathe.
- Slowly lift your left knee and continue to twist your left so that the left knee becomes the front knee and the right knee is to the side of the right hip. Breathe.
Hip Cars (Controlled Articular Rotations)
- Stand with your feet hips width distance apart and hold onto a bar or wall for support with your left hand.
- Activate your abs and lift your right knee up to about hip height into hip flexion, keep your toes pulled up towards your shin.
- Bring your right knee out to the side as far as you can without letting your hips rotate.
- Turn the sole of your lifted foot up to the wall behind you (you are now in internal hip rotation).
- Press the knee back as far as comfortably possible, then slowly lower it underneath the hip completing your hip’s full range of motion.
- Reverse the motion and then repeat it on the left side.
Bear Sit
- Sit on the floor with your knees wider than your hips and bent at 90 degrees.
- Hold your ankles and allow your knees to fall open (your soles will turn in).
- Sit up tall, finding a neutral position.
- Hold for 60 seconds as you breathe and slowly work to drive your knees outward, making this stretch more active.
Butterfly Stretch
Sit on the floor/yoga mat with the bottoms of your feet touching. Ensure you sit up tall with an elongated spine.
Hold this stretch for between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Breathe.
Try hinging forward at the waist to enhance this stretch.
Move your feet farther from your body and bring them closer to your body to vary the stretch.