Why Do My Hips Hurt After Running? Don't Let Hip Pain Slow You Down


Have you ever finished a great run, only to be sidelined by nagging hip pain? You're not alone. Hip pain is a common complaint among runners and can put a damper on your training. 

But before you give up on your running goals, let's explore the reasons behind the pain and discover solutions to get you back on track.

Common Causes of Hip Pain After Running

IT Band hip pain
  • Muscle Strains and Tendonitis: Overuse from repetitive running can strain muscles or inflame tendons around the hip joint. This can cause pain in the groin, outer hip, or buttocks.
  • IT Band Syndrome: The IT band, a connective tissue running from your hip to your knee, can become irritated, leading to pain on the outside of your hip.
  • Trochanteric Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac near the hip bone, can cause pain on the outer side of the hip.
  • Labral Tear: A tear in the cartilage ring that surrounds the hip joint can cause sharp pain in the groin or front of the hip.
  • Improper Footwear: Worn-out, restrictive shoes can alter your running form and lead to hip pain.
  • Piriformis Syndrome: This occurs when the piriformis muscle, located deep in your buttocks, compresses the sciatic nerve, causing pain radiating down the leg. You can learn more about Piriformis Syndrome, SI Joint pain, and Sciatica on our blog.

Weak or tight muscles, muscular imbalances, joint misalignments, uneven hips, previous injuries, hip impingement, and poor running mechanics can also contribute to hip pain. It’s essential to build strong core and hip/glute muscles to provide stability to the entire region. 

Keep in mind that old injuries, even if healed, can be more susceptible to pain flare ups with the repetitive stress caused by inefficient running form like overstriding or excessive pronation, and can place undue strain on the hips. 

Common Questions Runners Ask

Can I run through hip pain? Well, you can… but please don’t! The pain is there for a reason and running through it can worsen the problem. Rest and gentle mobilization is recommended if in crisis mode, but then you need to focus on correcting whatever is causing the issue so you can get back to doing what you love. Our Back & Core and Hips & Glutes programs are both excellent tools to help you do just that.

How long does hip pain after running last? It depends. Mild pain might improve within hours. More severe injuries could take weeks or months to heal.

What stretches can help hip pain? Stretches like the butterfly stretch, leg swings, and static lunges can improve hip mobility and reduce pain.

What are some exercises to strengthen my hips? Exercises like clamshells, glute bridges, and banded walks can strengthen the muscles around your hip joint. We have these and more in our Hips & Glutes program. Since a strong core is also fundamental to running well, you’ll want to start with our Back & Core program and work your way down to Hips & Glutes. 

Prevent Hip Pain and Stay Running Strong

Pain relief Hip Flexor Stretch

To safeguard your hips and keep running pain-free, incorporate these strategies into your routine: 

  • Warm up before your run and cool down after. 
  • Build core and hip strength with exercises like planks, squats, and lunges - all with a focus on proper technique. If you’re uncertain what that is, join our membership and let Dr. Mike and our MoveU coaches help!
  • Focus on proper running form, avoiding overstriding or excessive pronation. Invest in quality running shoes. We’re big fans of barefoot shoes and you can get 20% off at our favorites, VivoBarefoot, by using code MOVEU20 at checkout. However, some people may need to transition gradually to those. Look for a wide toe box and flexible sole in your choice of footwear.
  • Listen to your body and don't push through pain. It’s not something to fear, but it is a signal that something needs your attention.

Ready to take control of your hip pain and get back to running strong?

Join the MoveU Membership today to learn how to move well so you can live well! Access anatomy lessons and exercises, receive coach guidance and the community support you need to achieve lasting results.

MoveU: Your Mobile Solution for Hip Pain Relief

Hip pain doesn't have to be a permanent roadblock. Our goal at MoveU is to provide you with an online resource designed to address the root causes of hip pain and empower you to achieve lasting relief. 

MoveU's program provides:

  • Targeted exercises: Strengthen and improve the flexibility of muscles surrounding your hip joint.
  • Posture correction: Upload your movement videos for customized coach feedback to learn how to maintain proper alignment to reduce hip stress.
  • Supportive Community: join others like you who are on the journey of fixing their sh*t. You’re not alone and our community will help you stay accountable (if you choose to be) and feel a sense of ‘we’re all in this together’.

Take Control of Your Hip Pain and Get Back to Running Stronger!

MoveU Hips & Glutes program

Hip pain can be frustrating, but with proper care and the programs MoveU offers, you can overcome the discomfort and get back to enjoying your runs with as little as 15 minutes a day of exercise. 

Implement the tips above, explore the MoveU membership, and start your journey toward pain-free running! With our free 7 day trial, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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Back pain managed

In just a few short days on the Back & Core program I saw a meaningful difference. I felt freedom from my back pain related to muscle spasms that I haven't felt in several months.

Nov 9


With the revamp of the app, they are constantly working to make it the best version of itself. They take ideas and suggestions seriously.

Oct. 6

Knee pain is fading

I started using MoveU because I had nagging knee pain that bothered me when running, biking, skiing, etc. It was really bumming me out so I decided to try MoveU Knee, Ankle and Foot Program. I am about to finish week 2 and my knees already feel much better!

Nov 6

Comprehensive and engaging

The programs cover how to balace the whole body to minimize (or ward off any future) pain that’s caused by poor alignment. There’s an overall upbeat tone in the videos that makes you want to try your best.

1y ago

Better than physical therapy

MoveU is a great program and worth the subscription. I've used it to supplement my normal weightlifting, cardio, and yoga. The monthly cost is about the same as one or two yoga classes, so it pays for itself. The app is very intuitive and well built. I'm glad to see they put in the up front work, and they are continually involved in the content. If you want to fix your issues at home, this is the best way.

Nov 6


To all the people that have tried every intervention. To the hopeless and helpless feeling. After all these years of disappointment with the healthcare system, there IS a solution. Dr. Mike and the Moveu Team are dedicated to get you into your healing journey. Not just the physical but also the mental - which is just as important. I love how different this program is from everything else I have ever tried. Love you guys.

1y ago

Excellent Program

This is the fix for the long haul and I preach it to my family and friends. Going to a PT is great but they only work on the area your insurance allows which doesn't always fix the overall issue. Thank you Dr. Mike for creating this!

Nov. 30

Knowledge at your fingertips

Well worth the subscription. I am a chiropractor and I refer to this program for all of my patients. For every diagnosis Dr. Mike and his crew demonstrate an appropriate stretch and/or exercise along with the progression and regression specific to their level of recovery. I highly recommend this app to anyone interested in treating musculoskeletal ailments whether it be your own or your patients. It's one of the few apps purchased that I feel I got my monies worth and more, you won't be dissapointed.

1y ago

I appreciate MoveU

I have a bulging disc and I am very appreciative of this program and the knowledge I have gained on how body mechanics are all connected and what things to do to get better. I also feel the people really care about their members.

Nov 13

Most supportive and effective tool

This app is super easy to use. Love that I always have my videos with my on the go and the support from the coaches and community is invaluable along the way. Working through 4 herniated discs and it's the first program where I'm feeling hopeful and confident!

Feb 12

Loads of content

Great app! So much info to help you get to know your body and help you find your best alignment! Better alignment means less pain and more gain in life! MoveU has it all if you are willing to take responsibility for your own body.

Nov 11

Easy to use and interactive!

The app is clean, concise and very user friendly. On top of that, the coaches are extremely active on the community forum, giving you quick advice on questions you may have. Great interface!

1y ago

It works!

I love this program, and I'm not easily impressed. They know their stuff really well and it's designed in a great way with how it progresses. The core is especially a game changer.

Mar 11

Get out of pain - the ultimate solution!!

I signed up for MoveU because I had this nagging pain for years with absolutely no way of fixing it because no one ever broke it down and showed me how to understand my problem. I love the short classes was well as the deeper live classes. I believe that I'm a lifer and it's one of the most important subscriptions I pay for in my life.

Mar 18

Your very best version just a MoveU away 🙌

All in one app, to realign and reset your whole body. In the most natural, gradual, and far from the invasive way. I have been a walking injury from sports for 30+ years...I never thought I could find an integral solution.

1y ago