Pain Science: The Breakthroughs in Pain and Why Biomechanics Still Matter


Pain science has changed the game when it comes to understanding pain. It’s no longer just about where it hurts or whether something’s broken. We now know that pain is a complex experience influenced by your brain, nervous system, emotions, and even your environment. These insights have flipped pain treatment on its head, giving us new tools to deal with everything from chronic pain to acute injuries. But here’s the deal: while these breakthroughs are revolutionary, biomechanics—how your body moves, how your joints are aligned—still play a huge role in the pain puzzle, and we can’t afford to ignore that.

It’s worth noting that 70-80% of pain science research comes from professionals who are focused on psychology, neuroscience, and behavioral health. They’re digging into the brain’s role in pain, which is important. But only about 20-30% of the experts are really honing in on movement, exercise, and rehab—the stuff that keeps your body functioning the way it’s supposed to. Let’s break down both sides and see why we need the best of both worlds.

Pain Science: The Benefits and Breakthroughs

  1. Pain is an Output of the Brain: One of the biggest breakthroughs in pain science is this: pain isn’t just about damage. Your brain plays a huge role in deciding if you feel pain. Think of it as the brain’s alarm system—it processes inputs from your body, your emotions, and your environment and decides whether to trigger pain as a warning. So yeah, you can have pain without injury, and you can have injuries without feeling pain. That’s a game-changer.
  2. Central Sensitization: Ever wonder why some people experience pain long after an injury heals? That’s central sensitization—when the central nervous system goes into overdrive and cranks up the volume on pain signals. It’s like a stuck volume knob, keeping you in pain even though the actual threat is gone. Pain science has helped us understand why this happens, especially in chronic pain cases.
  3. The Biopsychosocial Model: Pain isn’t just physical—it’s mental and social too. The biopsychosocial model has made it clear that factors like stress, anxiety, and even your social environment can crank up or dial down your pain. By treating the whole person—not just the body—we’re getting better outcomes. When pain becomes part of your emotional and mental landscape, it needs more than just a physical fix.
  4. Neuroplasticity: Your brain can change—neuroplasticity is the proof. Chronic pain actually rewires your brain, making it more sensitive to pain signals. But the good news? The brain can be retrained. With therapies like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), pain neuroscience education, and graded exposure, you can rewire your brain to turn down the volume on pain.

Innovative Treatments from Pain Science

  • Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE): Educating patients on how pain works is a big deal. When people understand that pain doesn’t always equal damage, they feel more empowered and can manage their pain better. Knowledge is power, right?
  • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): CBT helps you tackle the mental and emotional aspects of pain. It’s not just about pain in your body—it’s about how you think about it and react to it. Changing your mindset can reduce the intensity of pain.
  • Graded Exposure: Slowly but surely, graded exposure helps you get back to the activities you’ve been avoiding because of pain. It’s all about breaking that fear-pain cycle and retraining your nervous system to handle normal movements again.

The Importance of Biomechanics in Pain

While pain science has brought us a ton of valuable insights, we can’t ignore the biomechanics—the physical mechanics of how you move. 20-30% of pain science focuses on movement, posture, and joint alignment—the things that keep your body working properly. And guess what? Biomechanics matter. A lot.

  1. Pathokinesiology: This fancy term refers to the study of how bad movement patterns can lead to chronic pain. If your joints are out of alignment or you’re moving wrong, you’re putting stress on your labrum, discs, and ligaments. Over time, that’s going to lead to pain and degeneration, no matter how much brain retraining you do.
  2. Joint Alignment and Posture: Let’s talk about posture. Sit or stand the wrong way for long enough, and you’re going to cause uneven pressure on your joints and tissues. That wear and tear adds up, leading to pain. So yeah, we need to address how your brain processes pain, but we also need to fix how your body moves if we’re going to give you lasting relief.
  3. Movement Retraining: Those 20-30% of pain science experts focused on movement aren’t just sitting around. They’re working on retraining how people move. Physical therapists and rehab experts know that teaching patients proper movement patterns can correct misalignments and reduce strain on the body’s structures. Fix how you move, and you’ll fix a lot of your pain.

Why We Need Both: Pain Science and Biomechanics

You want the best pain relief? You need to combine pain science with biomechanics. Pain science is great for understanding how the brain and psychosocial factors influence pain, but the physical side—how your body moves, how your joints are aligned—matters just as much. Together, they form a complete picture of why pain happens and how we can fix it.

Areas Where Pain Science Could Improve:

  1. Underestimating Structural Damage: Pain science sometimes underplays the role of physical injuries like disc herniations or labral tears. Sure, pain isn’t always linked to damage, but sometimes it is. Ignoring the physical issues could lead to missed diagnoses.
  2. Over-focus on Central Sensitization: While central sensitization is a big part of chronic pain, it’s not always the main issue. Sometimes, it’s poor posture, misaligned joints, or movement dysfunction that’s causing the pain. We need to make sure we’re looking at the whole picture.
  3. Risk of Over-Psychologizing Pain: Yes, the mind plays a huge role in pain, but we can’t forget the physical side. Patients don’t want to feel like their pain is all in their head. Mechanical issues like bad posture or misaligned joints are real and need to be addressed, too.

The Big Picture: Bridging Pain Science and Biomechanics

Pain science has given us incredible breakthroughs in understanding chronic pain, particularly by focusing on the brain and the psychosocial factors that shape pain. But to really solve the pain problem, we need to combine these insights with biomechanics—joint alignment, movement patterns, and posture. When we take the best of pain science and movement science, we get a more comprehensive approach that gives patients lasting relief.


  1. Moseley, G. L., & Butler, D. S. (2017). Explain Pain Supercharged. Noigroup Publications.
  • A cornerstone text on pain neuroscience and the biopsychosocial model.
  1. Flor, H. (2012). Cortical reorganisation and chronic pain: Implications for rehabilitation. Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development, 49(2), 227-238.
  • Focuses on how the brain changes in response to chronic pain and the role of neuroplasticity.

3.Woolf, C. J. (2011). Central sensitization: Implications for the diagnosis and treatment of pain. Pain, 152(3), S2-S15.

  • An important paper on central sensitization and its role in chronic pain.

4.Neumann, D. A. (2016). Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation. Elsevier Health Sciences.

  • A detailed guide on biomechanics, joint alignment, and their impact on pain.

5.Levangie, P. K., & Norkin, C. C. (2011). Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis. F.A. Davis Company.

  • Explores the physical structures of the joints and how misalignment affects pain.

6.Sahrmann, S. A. (2002). Diagnosis and Treatment of Movement Impairment Syndromes. Mosby.

  • Discusses how movement patterns contribute to musculoskeletal pain.

7.Cook, C. E. (2012). Movement impairments and musculoskeletal disorders: A clinical perspective. Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy, 20(4), 171-177.

  • Examines the importance of biomechanics in diagnosing and treating pain.
8. Bushnell, M. C., & Apkarian, A. V. (2009). Representation of pain in the brain. The Journal of Pain, 10(5),
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