Understanding Pain Under the Shoulder Blade: Causes and Solutions


Ever felt that annoying pain right under your shoulder blade? You know, that spot that's impossible to reach and makes you wish you had an extra-long third arm so you could do some deep tissue self massage? Welcome to the club. 

Many of our members come to us with this same issue and since none of us are going to be growing extra appendages any time soon, let's dive into what might be causing it and some effective exercises to get that tension to release.

What is the Pain Under the Shoulder Blades?

graphic image of scapula

Under your shoulder blade are the subscapularis (a rotator cuff muscle) and the serratus anterior (which pulls the shoulder blade forward). They are attached to the scapulae and can become tight and painful due to chronic misalignment of the shoulder blade or improper chest breathing. 

When the shoulder blade is misaligned, those muscles adjust their lengths to compensate: some become long and weak, while others become short and tight. The pain is often a cramping sensation felt in the short and tight muscles.

Common Causes of Pain Under the Shoulder Blade

Upper body anatomy skeleton showing scapula

Shoulder blade pain can range from sharp or burning to tender or achy and span across the shoulder and upper back. Here are the most common causes.

  1. Poor Posture: If slouching were an Olympic sport, many of us would be gold medalists and this is hands down one of the most common (and avoidable!) causes of pain under your shoulder blade. Hours spent hunched over a computer, smartphone, or steering wheel can lead to muscle imbalances and a lot of tension in the upper back. This is the primary issue that we help our members address.
  2. Muscle Strain: Sometimes life demands more of our muscles than they're ready for. Whether you've been lifting heavy objects or perhaps pretending to be an Olympic athlete when moving furniture, overuse and strain can cause muscles around the shoulder blade to beg for mercy. If you need to rehab an injury and have been cleared for movement, our Back & Core and Shoulders & Arms programs are great tools for you!
  3. Stress: Stress can cause muscles to tighten up, particularly in the shoulders and back. The phrase “carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders” is a common metaphor for good reason.
  4. Injury: Previous injuries to the back, neck, or shoulders can create lingering pain that decides to camp out under your shoulder blade.
  5. Referred Pain: Sometimes the source of the pain isn’t actually where it hurts. Issues elsewhere in the body can cause pain to radiate to the shoulder blade area. 

Now that we've identified some common culprits, let’s talk about solutions.

Top 3 Exercises to Improve Shoulder Blade Pain

Shoulder Blade Pain Exercises

There are so many exercises you can (and should) do to rehabilitate and improve your shoulder function and most of them can be found in our membership! Here are three that we love that may help you find some relief.

Thoracic Spine Foam Roll
Some people roll pizza dough. You're going to roll your back.

  1. Lie on your back with a foam roller placed horizontally under your shoulder blades.
  2. Keep your feet flat on the floor and knees bent.
  3. Lift your hips slightly and slowly roll up and down from the middle of your back to the top of your shoulder blades. You can do long sweeps or short little increments back and forth. Go with what feels good.
  4. Do this for about 1-2 minutes, making sure to breathe and focusing on any tight spots you find to release tension.

Why it works: This exercise helps to mobilize the thoracic spine in extension, releasing tension and improving posture.

UDFB (Up, Down, Forward, Back)
If you’ve ever tried to crack a walnut between your shoulder blades (we know you’re out there), this one’s for you.

  1. Sit or stand up straight with your arms at your sides. Keep your spine straight and torso still so you’re isolating the movement to your shoulders.
  2. Raise your shoulders up toward your ears.
  3. Press your shoulders down toward your back pockets.
  4. Round your shoulders forward and internally rotate your arms.
  5. Now externally rotate your arms and squeeze your shoulder blades together as if you're trying to hold a pencil between them.
  6. Hold each position for 3 seconds.
  7. Repeat 10-15 times.

Why it works: Strengthening the muscles between your shoulder blades helps improve posture and reduce pain.

Quadruped Reach Through and Turns

This works both shoulders and sides of your upper back if you do it correctly. 

  1. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Your supporting arm should stay straight (but not locked) throughout the entire movement.
  2. Rest your right hand lightly on the back of your head.
  3. Inhale as you twist your torso to the right and drive your left hand into the floor, keeping the shoulders away from your ears. Pause for 2 seconds.
  4. Exhale as you return to your starting position and reach your right arm through the space created by your left arm and left thigh. Again, keep your shoulders down away from your ears.
  5. Repeat for 10 reps and switch sides.

Why it works: This exercise targets the muscles around the shoulder blade and the thoracic spine, helping to reduce tension and improve mobility.

By incorporating these exercises into your routine, you can help alleviate pain under the shoulder blade and improve overall shoulder health, but there’s much more to strengthening the shoulder joint and ultimately, you must learn how to align your body to keep these issues from recurring.

How MoveU Can Help You Fix Your Shoulder Blade Pain

MoveU Shoulders & Arms program dashboard


If you’re struggling with persistent pain under your shoulder blade (or anywhere else!), we want to help! 

Are you ready to take control of your body so you can live a life free from pain? Join the MoveU membership today and gain access to expert guidance, personal coach feedback, and a supportive community dedicated to helping you move and live well. 

Don't let pain hold you back any longer. Join us and start your journey to a healthier, more active life. Happy MUving!

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Back pain managed

In just a few short days on the Back & Core program I saw a meaningful difference. I felt freedom from my back pain related to muscle spasms that I haven't felt in several months.

Nov 9


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Oct. 6

Knee pain is fading

I started using MoveU because I had nagging knee pain that bothered me when running, biking, skiing, etc. It was really bumming me out so I decided to try MoveU Knee, Ankle and Foot Program. I am about to finish week 2 and my knees already feel much better!

Nov 6

Comprehensive and engaging

The programs cover how to balace the whole body to minimize (or ward off any future) pain that’s caused by poor alignment. There’s an overall upbeat tone in the videos that makes you want to try your best.

1y ago

Better than physical therapy

MoveU is a great program and worth the subscription. I've used it to supplement my normal weightlifting, cardio, and yoga. The monthly cost is about the same as one or two yoga classes, so it pays for itself. The app is very intuitive and well built. I'm glad to see they put in the up front work, and they are continually involved in the content. If you want to fix your issues at home, this is the best way.

Nov 6


To all the people that have tried every intervention. To the hopeless and helpless feeling. After all these years of disappointment with the healthcare system, there IS a solution. Dr. Mike and the Moveu Team are dedicated to get you into your healing journey. Not just the physical but also the mental - which is just as important. I love how different this program is from everything else I have ever tried. Love you guys.

1y ago

Excellent Program

This is the fix for the long haul and I preach it to my family and friends. Going to a PT is great but they only work on the area your insurance allows which doesn't always fix the overall issue. Thank you Dr. Mike for creating this!

Nov. 30

Knowledge at your fingertips

Well worth the subscription. I am a chiropractor and I refer to this program for all of my patients. For every diagnosis Dr. Mike and his crew demonstrate an appropriate stretch and/or exercise along with the progression and regression specific to their level of recovery. I highly recommend this app to anyone interested in treating musculoskeletal ailments whether it be your own or your patients. It's one of the few apps purchased that I feel I got my monies worth and more, you won't be dissapointed.

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I have a bulging disc and I am very appreciative of this program and the knowledge I have gained on how body mechanics are all connected and what things to do to get better. I also feel the people really care about their members.

Nov 13

Most supportive and effective tool

This app is super easy to use. Love that I always have my videos with my on the go and the support from the coaches and community is invaluable along the way. Working through 4 herniated discs and it's the first program where I'm feeling hopeful and confident!

Feb 12

Loads of content

Great app! So much info to help you get to know your body and help you find your best alignment! Better alignment means less pain and more gain in life! MoveU has it all if you are willing to take responsibility for your own body.

Nov 11

Easy to use and interactive!

The app is clean, concise and very user friendly. On top of that, the coaches are extremely active on the community forum, giving you quick advice on questions you may have. Great interface!

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It works!

I love this program, and I'm not easily impressed. They know their stuff really well and it's designed in a great way with how it progresses. The core is especially a game changer.

Mar 11

Get out of pain - the ultimate solution!!

I signed up for MoveU because I had this nagging pain for years with absolutely no way of fixing it because no one ever broke it down and showed me how to understand my problem. I love the short classes was well as the deeper live classes. I believe that I'm a lifer and it's one of the most important subscriptions I pay for in my life.

Mar 18

Your very best version just a MoveU away 🙌

All in one app, to realign and reset your whole body. In the most natural, gradual, and far from the invasive way. I have been a walking injury from sports for 30+ years...I never thought I could find an integral solution.

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