Instant Relief for Sciatica Pain? A Proven Approach


Are you tired of living with the debilitating pain of sciatica? You’re not alone. Sciatica’s that pesky condition caused by the irritation of the sciatic nerve, and it doesn’t just hurt—it can make life feel unbearable. But here’s the good news: there are real solutions that go beyond temporary fixes.

This article is about to hit you with a proven approach for a long term solution and just hopefully get you some immediate relief for sciatica pain

First, we’re diving into what causes it, the symptoms, and most importantly how to treat it.

Understanding Sciatica

Dr. Mike showing sciatic nerve

Sciatica pain radiates from your lower back down your leg, usually thanks to pressure on the nerve. It’s often been described as a lightning bolt running down your leg.

Fun fact: the sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body, running from your lower back, through the hips, and all the way down to your foot. It’s packed with nerve fibers that control the muscles in your legs and handle sensations like touch, temperature, and—unfortunately—pain.

Common Causes of Sciatica:

  • Herniated disc: When a disc bulges out and puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it’s not just uncomfortable; it’s straight-up pain.
  • Spinal stenosis: The narrowing of your spinal canal that squeezes the sciatic nerve like a bad handshake. You develop this when you live with a chronically arched lower back and anterior pelvic tilt.
  • Piriformis syndrome: Also known as "Pseudo Sciatica", which you can read more about here. This little muscle in your butt gets overactive due to misalignments in the low back or hip and compresses the sciatic nerve, proving that even small muscles can wreak big havoc.

So much pain is caused by misalignments and the solution is simple… though not easy! Our Back & Core and Hips & Glutes programs are designed to help you get the joints of your body into a better, more aligned position so you can be free of pain. 

Symptoms of Sciatica

Sciatica doesn’t show up the same way for everyone. It can show up as a dull ache, a sharp shooting pain, a burning sensation that runs down your leg… or a combination of these! It usually messes with just one side of the body and can cause:

  • Numbness or tingling in the leg or foot
  • Weakness in the leg or foot
  • Muscle cramps in your leg or foot
  • Difficulty walking or standing

Best Sciatica Stretches & Exercises

Model showing Figure 4 stretch

Look, there’s no magic pill for sciatica, but you can get real relief through some key stretches and exercises. 

While stretches aren’t technically “exercises'', they can still offer temporary relief. Here are four of our favorites MUves to help relieve that pain and get you moving again. 

For exercises designed to strengthen your body into a better, more aligned position, check out the MoveU membership.

1. Pelvic Tilts

This is always a good “go to” exercise when experiencing a sciatica flare up. Work within your pain free range of motion.

How to perform:

  •  Step 1: Set up on your hands and knees in tabletop position. Knees should be stacked under hips and wrists under shoulders. You can remain here or, if you find it difficult to keep the upper spine still, you can lower yourself down to your elbows.
  • Step 2: Gently brace your core. Now imagine a metal rod running through your hips from one side to another, pinning your pelvis in place. This is an isolation exercise. Slowly ‘swivel’ your pelvis around that imaginary rod, tucking your pelvis under as much as you can without moving the rest of your torso at all. You should feel a contraction in the lower abdominals. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds.
  • Step 3: Now slowly swivel the pelvis the other direction. It’s very important to keep the mid and upper back completely still so the movement is isolated to the pelvis only. You should feel a contraction in the low back muscles. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds. Repeat this cycle 10 times.

Tip: You can also do these lying on your back with your feet flat on the floor.

    2. Child’s Pose QL

    You may already know Child's Pose if you've done yoga. This version targets the Quadratus Lumborum (QL), which is that meaty low back muscle just above your hips.

    • Step 1: Set up on your hands and knees with knees wider than hip width. How wide is up to you
    • Step 2: Shift your body back so your backside is between your heels as you reach your arms forward overhead 
    • Step 3: Walk your hands over to one side until you feel a stretch along the side of your body and low back
    • Step 4: Breathe into your belly long and slow for 1-2 minutes
    • Step 5: Switch sides and repeat

      3. Figure 4 Stretch

      This one will help relax the piriformis muscle and the muscles in the low back. If you lack flexibility, you may need to modify this slightly. Look to feel this in the glute area.

      • Step 1: Lie on your back with legs bent. Raise your right ankle, and rest it on your left quad just above your knee 
      • Step 2: Using both hands, lace your fingers behind your left thigh and gently pull it toward you, keeping your head and back on the floor
      • Step 3: Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Remember to breathe, which will help your muscles relax
      • Step 4: Repeat with the other leg. Do 2 to 3 repetitions with each leg

      If you can't reach your thigh easily, you can loop a towel around the thigh and use it to pull your thigh toward you.

      4. Cobra

      • Step 1: Lay on your stomach on the floor with your hands by your chest.
      • Step 2: Press your hands into the floor and bring your upper body off the ground. You can go as far as comfortable, but no further. Different people have different ranges of motion and this isn’t a ‘no pain, no gain’ situation. If you feel pain, back off until you don’t.
      • Step 3: Breathe into this for 1-2 minutes.

      Stop Sciatic Pain at its Source: Introducing MoveU's Disc Bulge & Sciatica Program (Launching Fall 2024!)

      Disc Bulge, Herniation & Sciatica program cover image

      We understand that living with sciatic pain is exhausting and discouraging.

      Here’s the thing: popping pills or signing up for surgery isn’t going to solve the root cause. Our Disc Bulge, Herniation & Sciatica Program is a total game-changer. We offer a science-backed, comprehensive approach that doesn’t just mask the pain—it fixes the root cause.

      Here’s why MoveU is different:

      • We address the source of your pain. No more slapping on a band-aid; we focus on realigning your body so this problem doesn’t come back.
      • Mind-body connection: It’s not just about the exercises. It’s how you do them. Proper form and technique is crucial when establishing healthy movement patterns. That’s why we have the MoveU coaches available in our private online community to assess your form and provide feedback to help you get the most out of your investment. 
      • Based on science: With over 75 peer-reviewed studies backing our method, you know you’re in safe hands.

      Join thousands of people who’ve ditched surgery and meds and found real relief with MoveU.

      • Skip the surgery: Many of our members reversed sciatica without ever going under the knife.
      • Real results: It takes time and consistent practice, but you can expect to see a serious reduction in pain and take back control of your life.
      • Long-term fix: MoveU equips you with the knowledge and tools you need to keep your spine healthy and pain-free.

      Is MoveU right for you?

      If you’ve been diagnosed with a disc bulge, herniation, or sciatica and you’re ready to take action, this program is the answer you’ve been waiting for.

      Avoid Common Mistakes:

      Look, long-term pain med use isn’t fixing anything. If you’re serious about finding relief, you’ve got to go beyond just taking pills. 

      In person physical therapy, chiropractic care, or even acupuncture can help, but those are just temporary aids. If you don’t address the core issue of chronic misalignments, you're going to be right where you started , given time. 

      Instant Relief for Sciatica Pain: Does it Exist?

      Here’s the million-dollar question: Can you get instant relief for sciatic pain? The short answer? Maybe. Some people find that pelvic tilts alleviate their pain immediately. Others have to work at it for few months before they notice a shift. 

      While not everyone will be able to completely erase the pain overnight, you can definitely take steps to reduce it significantly.

      • Improve mobility: Try expert-guided strengthening exercises and stretches to ease pressure off that nerve. This is the way of MoveU and what we preach all day long to our followers. If you want long term results that last, join us in the MoveU membership and let’s get to work!
      • Restore alignment: We love good chiropractors - in fact, Dr. Mike (founder of MoveU) is a chiropractor himself. They can help improve your alignment for a moment, but they can’t adjust you into better alignment permanently. That’s something only you can do. 
      • Manage pain: Over-the-counter painkillers can offer temporary relief, but again, these are just covering up the issue like a bandaid on a broken leg and not doing anything to resolve your issue. You might get some relief with corticosteroid injections, which are intended to reduce inflammation, but the effectiveness is hit or miss. 

      We know you're desperate for relief, but don't you want relief that lasts?

      Don’t Let Sciatica Control Your Life—Take Action Today

      Bottom line: only you can move YOU. You have options and you can take control. By understanding what’s causing your pain and using effective treatment strategies like the ones MoveU offers, you can finally break free from sciatica.

      What is the MoveU Approach?

      Key features of MoveU’s program:

      • A educational focus: 1-2 minute long videos explain the anatomy and function of the muscles of the body as well as how to perform each exercise.
      • Expert guidance: Our coaches offer personalized feedback and support.
      • Community support: join fellow MUvers in our private MoveU community where you can ask questions and give and receive feedback from those who are on the journey with you.
      • Proven results: Backed by scientific research and real-world successes. Read our member reviews to hear how MoveU helped others like you!



      Sciatica pain doesn’t have to be a life sentence. With the right tools and strategies—like the ones you’ll find in the MoveU program—you may or may not achieve immediate relief for sciatica pain, but you will certainly be on your way towards a long term solution!

      Stop treating the symptoms and start fixing the root cause. Take control and say goodbye to that sciatic pain once and for all.

      With our free trial, you can sign-up for $0 today. What do you have to lose?

      Back to Blogs



      Back pain managed

      In just a few short days on the Back & Core program I saw a meaningful difference. I felt freedom from my back pain related to muscle spasms that I haven't felt in several months.

      Nov 9


      With the revamp of the app, they are constantly working to make it the best version of itself. They take ideas and suggestions seriously.

      Oct. 6

      Knee pain is fading

      I started using MoveU because I had nagging knee pain that bothered me when running, biking, skiing, etc. It was really bumming me out so I decided to try MoveU Knee, Ankle and Foot Program. I am about to finish week 2 and my knees already feel much better!

      Nov 6

      Comprehensive and engaging

      The programs cover how to balace the whole body to minimize (or ward off any future) pain that’s caused by poor alignment. There’s an overall upbeat tone in the videos that makes you want to try your best.

      1y ago

      Better than physical therapy

      MoveU is a great program and worth the subscription. I've used it to supplement my normal weightlifting, cardio, and yoga. The monthly cost is about the same as one or two yoga classes, so it pays for itself. The app is very intuitive and well built. I'm glad to see they put in the up front work, and they are continually involved in the content. If you want to fix your issues at home, this is the best way.

      Nov 6


      To all the people that have tried every intervention. To the hopeless and helpless feeling. After all these years of disappointment with the healthcare system, there IS a solution. Dr. Mike and the Moveu Team are dedicated to get you into your healing journey. Not just the physical but also the mental - which is just as important. I love how different this program is from everything else I have ever tried. Love you guys.

      1y ago

      Excellent Program

      This is the fix for the long haul and I preach it to my family and friends. Going to a PT is great but they only work on the area your insurance allows which doesn't always fix the overall issue. Thank you Dr. Mike for creating this!

      Nov. 30

      Knowledge at your fingertips

      Well worth the subscription. I am a chiropractor and I refer to this program for all of my patients. For every diagnosis Dr. Mike and his crew demonstrate an appropriate stretch and/or exercise along with the progression and regression specific to their level of recovery. I highly recommend this app to anyone interested in treating musculoskeletal ailments whether it be your own or your patients. It's one of the few apps purchased that I feel I got my monies worth and more, you won't be dissapointed.

      1y ago

      I appreciate MoveU

      I have a bulging disc and I am very appreciative of this program and the knowledge I have gained on how body mechanics are all connected and what things to do to get better. I also feel the people really care about their members.

      Nov 13

      Most supportive and effective tool

      This app is super easy to use. Love that I always have my videos with my on the go and the support from the coaches and community is invaluable along the way. Working through 4 herniated discs and it's the first program where I'm feeling hopeful and confident!

      Feb 12

      Loads of content

      Great app! So much info to help you get to know your body and help you find your best alignment! Better alignment means less pain and more gain in life! MoveU has it all if you are willing to take responsibility for your own body.

      Nov 11

      Easy to use and interactive!

      The app is clean, concise and very user friendly. On top of that, the coaches are extremely active on the community forum, giving you quick advice on questions you may have. Great interface!

      1y ago

      It works!

      I love this program, and I'm not easily impressed. They know their stuff really well and it's designed in a great way with how it progresses. The core is especially a game changer.

      Mar 11

      Get out of pain - the ultimate solution!!

      I signed up for MoveU because I had this nagging pain for years with absolutely no way of fixing it because no one ever broke it down and showed me how to understand my problem. I love the short classes was well as the deeper live classes. I believe that I'm a lifer and it's one of the most important subscriptions I pay for in my life.

      Mar 18

      Your very best version just a MoveU away 🙌

      All in one app, to realign and reset your whole body. In the most natural, gradual, and far from the invasive way. I have been a walking injury from sports for 30+ years...I never thought I could find an integral solution.

      1y ago