Have you ever heard the idiom, “Go stick it where the sun don’t shine”? Well, if that phrase wasn’t already on its way out, it is now. ‘Wellness’ influencers have been preaching this bottoms up lifestyle habit so unfortunately, the sun is shining literally everywhere for some people these days.
Ya’ll know we’re all about pushing the envelope at MoveU and we love trying new things in our pursuit of wellness, but this “perineum sunning” is a fad that we’d like to provide a little illumination on, if you will.
The perineum is that small section of muscle between the anus and the genitals on both men and women. Perineum sunning goes by other clever names such as “butthole sunning”, “yoni sunning”, “genital sunbathing”, and “nudie bake”. Simply put, it’s exposing one’s nether regions to the sun.
According to some, it provides various health benefits… but let’s shine a little light on this practice and see if it’s worth the hype.

According to those who practice butthole sunning, doing so offers a host of benefits:
- Boost your vitamin D levels and energy.
- Regulates your circadian rhythm.
- Increases libido.
- Improves blood circulation.
- Promotes better sleep.
- Connects you with your pelvic floor.
- Contributes to a longer, healthier life.
It sounds… brilliant.
Perineum Sunning: An Ancient Practice for Modern Times?
According to ‘wellness experts’, sunning one’s perineum has been practiced for thousands of years, having its origins in ancient Taoism. The idea then was that the perineum was an important portal in the body where energy can enter. Well, we can agree on that point… it’s certainly an area for a lot of… energy… to enter.
Taoists also believed that sunning one’s genitals could cleanse them and keep reproductive organs functioning correctly.
Is there any research to support this?
Would you be surprised if we said a big, fat “nope”?
There is absolutely zero clinical research to support the claims - be they ancient or modern - of perineum sunning. While your body does create vitamin D from sunlight and yes, this does support a whole host of processes necessary for health, let’s be real. The boost to your vitamin D levels is more likely due to full body exposure.
Not to be cheeky, but your wee anus just doesn’t have enough surface area to make that much of a difference.
This is an excellent example of why we shouldn’t always believe what we see on tv… or social media… or the walls of a cave.

It should be obvious, but hey, some people live in the dark. "The skin of the vulva and anus is thin," says board-certified dermatopathologist Gretchen Frieling, MD. "For the majority of people, this is a part of the body that has barely seen the light of day and, if it is exposed to the sun, has no defense mechanism to deal with the UV rays."
Tanning your perineum presents a significant risk of getting a butthole sunburn. Yikes.
We’re going to call it like we see it. If your most sensitive body parts were intended to be exposed to the light of the sun, the powers that be would have put them on top of your head.
If You Want To Boost Energy
- Enjoy smart sun exposure, particularly first thing in the morning to help establish your circadian rhythm with the sun.
- If you live in an area where sunlight is minimal (or seasonal) and are worried you’re deficient in nutrients, get a blood test and consider supplementing with Vitamin D (pair with Vitamin K for best absorption).
- Get enough quality sleep each night. Most people need 7-9 hours.
- Exercise regularly.
- Consume a balanced diet of whole food sources with adequate protein.
- Drink plenty of water.
If You Want Better Sleep
- Keep a consistent wake and sleep schedule.
- Get morning sunlight in your eyes for at least 10 minutes.
- Avoid bright lights and screens an hour before bed.
- Avoid caffeine within 8 hours of bedtime.
- Sleep in a cool, dark room.
- Avoid heavy meals too close to bedtime.
If You Want To Increase Libido
- Get your hormones checked and make sure they're in healthy ranges based on your gender, stage of life, and age.
- Reduce stress.
- Get enough sleep.
- Exercise regularly, particularly strength training.
- Maintain quality connection with your loved ones.
- Maintain a strong and supple pelvic floor.
If You Want To Strengthen and Connect with Your Pelvic Floor

Learning to properly contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles can help increase your libido, reverse incontinence, prevent prolapse, restore erectile function, and reduce pain during sex.
There are many ways to improve your relationship to your pelvic floor - which includes your butthole. Sunning your perineum isn’t one of them.
Here what we recommend instead:
- Pelvic floor massage and relaxation.
- Breathwork.
- Pelvic floor strengthening exercises.
- Perineum stretching and massage for women preparing to give birth.
There is no evidence that sunning your perineum has any real benefit and instead poses a significant risk of sunburn. Now that we have exposed you to better methods of improving your wellness, don't risk traumatizing the sun and your neighbors with such unnecessary displays.
If your pelvic floor needs attention, nix the butthole sunning and join us in the MoveU membership. You'll get immediate access to our Pelvic Floor Program as well as programs for every area of your body that actually do need to get…lit.